Team: Binru Liu/ Catherine Achieng/ Qendresa Selimi/ Zhaolu Song
Brief: Re-design the acoustic properties of a physical space.
Time: 21.05.2021-27.05.2021
Last week, we created a dinner storytelling experience by 3D audio, and this week we will iterate it based on last week’s feedback.
Specify the place
According to the feedback we got, "the dining table at home" is not specific enough. Considering our original idea was to find the table which contains people’s memory, we decided to find the oldest and traditional one in our homes, which is the table in Qendresa’s home.
Dining table artefact analysis. Picture by Qendresa.
“Metaphor Sound”
We only focused on the surrounding sound of the dining table last week, but this week we discussed the sound of the table itself. Qendresa came up with a question that what the table can hear about its surroundings. It reminded me of prehension and the ongoing process between a table and its environment. Then, I thought it in a microscope level, the sound of the coffee spill on the table would be continuous and change over time, which would be totally different sound from what people can hear. What if people can hear the sound from a perspective of a dining table? Would it be a new experience triggering stronger emotions? We all thought it’s an interesting direction and decided to explore it more.
Based on the previous storytelling process, we divided the whole experience into four stages, from the before, start, during and ending, and arrange the sequence of all the sounds we can think of. We called what humans can hear is the actual sound and what the table can feel is the metaphor sound.
Sound journey map. Diagram by me.
I also tried to visualize sound to make the whole experience more immersive.
Sound visualization. Video by me.
Speed Dating and Feedback
This week, we tried a new mode of presentation. Each group would present their idea to the other four groups in turns, get feedback and then switch. I really like this mode because people are less intimidating to give feedback and have the chance to discuss more individual questions.
Speed dating. Photos by Binru.
I took the role of observer and took notes when Catherine was presenting ideas. Everyone can’t hear previous people’s feedback so some might come up with repeatable issues, which is very valuable for us. The most common issues were that the metaphor sound doesn’t make sense for everyone and the whole experience is flat. Many also mentioned the sound lacks people’s conversation and is not continuous. Besides, John mentioned what is missing is the ‘texture’ of this project and we need to make it experienceable quickly since only two weeks left.
Feedback sheet. Diagram by me.
Next week, we will try to think about how to make the experience more immersive and relate to people’s memory.